
How to Sell Advice

Sell more with email

Published 5 months ago • 1 min read

If you’ve been on the internet longer than a minute, you know that social media platforms rise and fall in their popularity.

Algorithms change, attention shifts—heck even the owners can change hands!

And while social media is a great way to build your top of funnel and build awareness for you and your business, it’s not the best place to sell. 

That’s where your website—and as importantly—your email comes into play.

Email is your ticket through the algorithm gatekeepers.

Assuming you build and maintain trust, you get to have direct and permanent contact with the people most interested in what you have to offer.

When you spend most of your time educating (read: helping) people on how they can grow their business, people will naturally build trust and familiarity for you and the expertise you have to offer.

The question then is how should you sell via email?

If you push too hard, you’ll turn people off. Nobody hires a desperate consultant, after all.

But if you never sell, nobody will know what you’re offering that can help them further!

So – to answer this dilemma, I reached out to Dylan Bridger. Dylan is a chemical engineer-turned-email marketer who practices what he preaches.

He has generously agreed to do a training on How to Generate More Sales from ANY Email List tomorrow at 11am.

Normally, these trainings are for Mindshare members only. They go deep on a topic and then get stored in the library along with trainings from me and past guest experts like Tsavo Neal and Billy Broas.

But this time, Dylan and I decided to make it public… and free!

I’ve seen the slides and Dylan has a lot prepared for tomorrow. You’ll want to bring your pen and paper because he doesn’t talk at a high level—he gets right into the tactical good stuff.

If you want to attend, register now so it’s in your calendar for tomorrow:

Hope to see you there!


P.S. Almost 200 people have registered already, so you’ll be among good company. Bring your questions so Dylan can help YOU generate more sales via your list, too. Last call to register before it kicks off tomorrow morning:

How to Sell Advice

Kevin C. Whelan

A marketing strategy advisor and educator teaching everything I know about the business of consulting.

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