
How to Sell Advice

How to Generate More Sales from ANY Email List (Recording)

Published 5 months ago • 1 min read

Thanks for attending yesterday's live training with Dylan Bridger on How to Generate More Sales from ANY Email List!

As promised, here's the recording:

video preview

If you're receiving this email, it means you requested to be added to my mailing list when you registered—welcome!

What to expect next

I'm going to drop you into a little 5-day email course on how to go from selling execution work to advising, teaching, and training.

It's the best way to begin to get acquainted with some of my thinking.

My main mission is to help you create more leverage and profit by selling your brain, not just your hands.

As a subscriber, you'll get emails from me on topics like business model design, marketing your business, codifying and delivering your intellectual property, scaling your IP, and a lot more.

You can learn more about me here:

Welcome to this journey - see you in the next one!


P.S. Quick reminder, the membership I run is open again until Friday at midnight EST. We don't know each other too well yet, so I created a 7-day trial for $7 so you can see what's inside at almost no risk. I'll even refund it if it's not for you.

I would make it free to try, but then it would invite a lot of general tire kickers. You're getting access to my entire body of work (which is growing monthly) to see if it might be for you.

Full details and link to sign up:

How to Sell Advice

Kevin C. Whelan

A marketing strategy advisor and educator teaching everything I know about the business of consulting.

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